Vocational Education
in India
Swiss Model
bj institute is committed to the promotion and dissemination of the dual education system. Especially for the promotion of Swiss VET (Vocational Education and Training) in India a competent network was created and solution-oriented initiatives that foster awareness and implementation.
Vocational Education in India the Swiss Model
bj institute is committed to the promotion and dissemination of the dual education system. Especially for the promotion of Swiss VET (Vocational Education and Training) in India a competent network was created and solution-oriented initiatives that foster awareness and implementation.

Our Commitment
Skill Development
bj institute has its roots in rural India. Bruno Jehle founded Proples Clinic in the year 1983 with the aim to bring holistic and sustainable change to the lives of the rural poor through quality healthcare, education and livelihoods. bj institute was founded in the year 2009 with an aim to bring quality vocational education to India in partnership with Switzerland.
bj instute is engaged in advocacy, consulting and training of Swiss Dual Vocational Education and Training. bj institute Switzerland fosters partnerships in the field of Vocational Education and Training between India and Switzerland
Our Commitment to skill development
bj institute has its roots in rural India. Bruno Jehle founded Proples Clinic in the year 1983 with the aim to bring holistic and sustainable change to the lives of the rural poor through quality healthcare, education and livelihoods. bj institute was founded in the year 2009 with an aim to bring quality vocational education to India in partnership with Switzerland.
bj instute is engaged in advocacy, consulting and training of Swiss Dual Vocational Education and Training. bj institute Switzerland fosters partnerships in the field of Vocational Education and Training between India and Switzerland

Quality Skills
path to
Economic Empowerment
Skills Development is the key to improving rural productivity, employability and income earning opportunities. Our years of experience in the rural India shows us lack of skills deprives the youth self confidence and competitiveness to be a part of the developed world.

Quality Skills path to Economic Empowerment
Skills Development is the key to improving rural productivity, employability and income earning opportunities. Our years of experience in the rural India shows us lack of skills deprives the youth self confidence and competitiveness to be a part of the developed world.
Ensuring Employable Skills
In an era of expansive knowledge and rapid technological development, industry and
employers are demanding that the prospective employees acquire industry demanded skills
for employability to help the enterprises sustain in their competitive domains.
The 4 criterions of for attaining industry demand for employability of VET Candidates

Industry approved curriculum
It is very essential to involve experts from companies to develop a curriculum framework, the framework defines the VET qualification standards...

Quality Training
Quality of trainers is the salient factor that affects the delivery. Relevance of trainers knowledge, relevant content, right resources govern the quality and effectiveness of training...

Practical Learning
Practical learning constitutes a large portion in vocational education and training. It is important learning is developed beyond schools...

Third Party Assessment
Apart from certification, third party assessment of the acquired skills in correlation to the learning outcomes of the course and employable skills...
Ensuring Employable Skills
In an era of expansive knowledge and rapid technological development, industry and
employers are demanding that the prospective employees acquire industry demanded skills
for employability to help the enterprises sustain in their competitive domains.
The 4 criterions of for attaining industry demand for employability of VET Candidates

Industry approved curriculum
It is very essential to involve experts from companies to develop a curriculum framework, the framework defines the VET qualification standards...

Quality Training
Quality of trainers is the salient factor that affects the delivery. Relevance of trainers knowledge, relevant content, right resources govern the quality and effectiveness of training...

Practical Learning
Practical learning constitutes a large portion in vocational education and training. It is important learning is developed beyond schools...

Third Party Assessment
Apart from certification, third party assessment of the acquired skills in correlation to the learning outcomes of the course and employable skills...
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